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No, I would not invest in this venture based on this pitch alone. Would I be interested in selling courses through this site? Yes – the dollar signs are flashing.

  • Pain Point: Kelly states that her company makes it easier to sell courses worldwide but is it a huge problem? How much easier? What are the current difficulties?
  • Solution: This Company connects e-Learning buyers and sellers directly but are there other companies doing the same
  • Differentiation: It is unclear whether there are competitors. If not, this should be clearly stated. If so, a clear distinction should be made of how this company is better/different
  • Marketing: This Company brings “my” courses to customers in a “transparent, social marketplace”? Customers get to access the course catalogue complete with reviews of courses and sellers get access to customers world-wide and the “ease of use” of the site.
  • Championship: There was no mention of the team players other than Kelly the Community Manager.
  • Competition, The Ask & The Return were not discussed.


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